Breaking Free of What Controls You

What is controlling your life?

If you are like me you may think at first, “Nothing!  I’m good.  No worries here.”

Certainly we can look at other people around us and see all the countless ways THEY are controlled by certain habits or people… but not US…right?

I am sure though that if we ask a trusted friend or take a “more than skin deep” examination ourself, we will quickly uncover some areas that have some negative influence over us.  It maybe that area of our life that we would be embarrassed to admit we still struggle to overcome.

Are you controlled by a:
  • Relationship with the opposite sex?
  • Outburst of anger or selfishness?
  • Habit that you know is wrong or not healthy?
  • Friendship or peer group that is steering you down a wrong life path?

If so, the questions is “Do you want to break free from it?”

Just like the man who was controlled by an impure spirit, by faith in the power of Jesus, we can get free from those impure spirits controlling our lives.

If you want to get free, then…
  • Cry out to Jesus (v.23 “the man cried out”). Believe Jesus has the power to overcome what is holding you.
  • Submit to God (James 4:7)  “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
  • Resist the attack– How?

My prayer is that you do this everyday…with bold belief!  Jesus will change you and what controls you.  One last encouragement though:  DON’T FIGHT ALONE!   God made us relational beings for a reason.  Let those who are stronger and who are seeking the same things as you encourage and fight with you.  Let someone you trust know so they can pray for you.

PRAY:  Jesus I need your help right now with ______________.  I’m tired of the control it has had in my life.  I submit and humble myself before you that I can’t take it anymore but I know You can.   I speak against __________ that has been tormenting me.  In Jesus name it is gone from my life.  God by your power I will run from any temptation that is trying to pull me down and I will resist my own fleshly desires that are not honoring to You.   Grant me the faith to know, love, obey and pursue You, Jesus as my greatest treasure!   

Fighting 301: The Weapons

So you say your ready to fight?  Well do you know the weapons and armor God has given you?  Check it out below.

READ: Ephesians 6:13-18

What are our tools/weapons?
➡️ Belt of truth– This means holding truth of Gods ways and not following moral relativism.
➡️ Breastplate of righteousness– Questions to ask ourself are: Is our life one of moral integrity and confidence in our right standing with God? Do we have these basic things in our life so when are faith (shield) waivers we don’t get taken out? Also, 1 Peter 3:16 says that if we should suffer for righteousness, others will be put to shame.
➡️ Shoes of the Gospel– Have you just got those nice “shoes” in the closet and you are just sitting on the couch not really prepared? Are you excited and ready to use them? In other words, do you really understand the Gospel and how awesome, soul saving and life changing it is?!
➡️ Shield of Faith– This keeps DOUBT and UNBELIEF off of you.
➡️ Helmet of Salvation– Do you really know in your heart and mind you are saved?  (By the way…you CAN know for sure!  If you don’t know, ask somebody who you know really has a relationship with God.)
➡️ Sword of the Spirit– Do you have the word of God at hand ready to defend AND attack back with what God says! PRAY (call on God) at ALL TIMES by praying in the Spirit (praying the Word)

And most important of all….

Do this all and KEEP ALERT with all PERSERVANCE!

PRAY:  Jesus help me to use what you have given me to fight against my own sin and any subtle attacks against my soul.  I want to live for You.  So help me to stand in confidence that You have already given me everything I need to glorify You and make an impact for eternity!

Fighting 101


Did you know it is a good thing to fight?

I told that to a 10 year old boy recently with his mother standing right next to us. Her face immediately winced at me slightly as if I might be molding him for a future in street brawls or at best, a power career in WWF! Of course I quickly continued my point and explained that it was actually a God given attribute (especially prevalent in males) but that many guys use it in selfish and less than God honoring ways.

In 1 Timothy 6:12 we are told to “fight the good fight of faith.” But what we must understand is that our “good” fight is not at its root going to be against someone else. Sure someone may come at you with physical force or slandering words and at times we must defend ourselves. You see at the “root” of that person attacking you is a spirit. And it is not from God. It is from the enemy. Check out the texts below to see who it really is!

READ: Ephesians 6:12 

The first strategy of Satan is to try to knock out our power source to God which is our faith in Jesus. He does this by hurling attacks though fear, distractions and doubt. So how do we fight against this? How do we make it a “good” fight and not get taken out early in the first round?

Check it out here! Before you do…why don’t you talk to Him.

PRAY: God forgive me if I have ever fought a fight that was selfishly motivated or not honoring to You. Help me to remember that their are forces and spirits that influence others. Help me to recognize this when people or things come against me and may I respond in great faith that is provided by the power of your Holy Spirit in me.