Fully committed to Christ, compelled by His love, confident in wisdom and stature.


Your in the right place if your a guy who wants more out of life!

Our main focus here is to not make better athletes or better sons or better students or better future business men or better future spouses/fathers, etc.  Our main goal is to make you a great lover of God and others.   If we can encourage you to pursue this goal first and foremost, then the outcome will be that many of those other things will happen.
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Encouraging you to be a Champion for the One who deserves your highest devotion.

The devotions here are designed to help connect you to God’s Word which will help you grow in your love for God and others.  Each devotion comes with something to READ out of the bible, something to THINK about and a PRAYER to ask God to give you understanding and action for the day.   Take your time…don’t rush through it.  You could actually use one devotion to think about and talk to God about and others all week.  

Lastly, be sure to TALK, SHARE and/or ASK QUESTIONS from what you are experiencing with someone who is encouraging and mentoring you in your faith.   They will want to guide you and be encouraged themselves by your journey of faith!  Also, you can contact me or one of our coaches if you have a question or just want to post what you learned.


  1. If you are new in your faith go to the NEW BELIEVERS DEVOTIONS! and start there.
  2. Use the CATEGORIES drop down menu on the right to search by scripture.
  3. Click on any TOPIC in the right margin to be taken to all the devotions that deal with that topic.
  4. If you like these, make sure to SUBSCRIBE so you will be notified when new posts are up and of course….share these with other guys that want to be Champions as well!