Does Jesus really care about me or my friends?

Jesus’ personality and spirit captivated people. This was so evident because many not only came to Jesus themself, but some took it further and brought those they love and care about to Him. (v.30,32). One of the awesome things about Him is it doesn’t even matter what you look like or how unpopular you are. Jesus proved He is willing to cleanup any insecurities we see in our body or our heart (v.40).  All we need to do is come to Him with a heart of faith.


➡️ Do you really believe in Jesus enough to bring people to Him?

➡️ Do you believe in Jesus enough to come to Him yourself?

PRAY: Jesus I know you are willing to touch my heart and make me clean and new. I ask you now and receive your words that I am healed. You have made me new, and are continuing to make me newer too. Use me as well to bring others to You.

Why is Jesus a Big Deal?

If you have ever wondered “why do people make such a big deal about Jesus?”  then the following text gives some pretty good insight.
PRAY:  God this is incredible that I don’t have to guess what you are like… Jesus is made in your image!  I see now that since Jesus made me and if I seek to know Him, I will find my true purpose in life.  Thank you that you have been holding my life “together” all these years even when I was unaware of it.