Breaking Free of What Controls You

What is controlling your life?

If you are like me you may think at first, “Nothing!  I’m good.  No worries here.”

Certainly we can look at other people around us and see all the countless ways THEY are controlled by certain habits or people… but not US…right?

I am sure though that if we ask a trusted friend or take a “more than skin deep” examination ourself, we will quickly uncover some areas that have some negative influence over us.  It maybe that area of our life that we would be embarrassed to admit we still struggle to overcome.

Are you controlled by a:
  • Relationship with the opposite sex?
  • Outburst of anger or selfishness?
  • Habit that you know is wrong or not healthy?
  • Friendship or peer group that is steering you down a wrong life path?

If so, the questions is “Do you want to break free from it?”

Just like the man who was controlled by an impure spirit, by faith in the power of Jesus, we can get free from those impure spirits controlling our lives.

If you want to get free, then…
  • Cry out to Jesus (v.23 “the man cried out”). Believe Jesus has the power to overcome what is holding you.
  • Submit to God (James 4:7)  “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
  • Resist the attack– How?

My prayer is that you do this everyday…with bold belief!  Jesus will change you and what controls you.  One last encouragement though:  DON’T FIGHT ALONE!   God made us relational beings for a reason.  Let those who are stronger and who are seeking the same things as you encourage and fight with you.  Let someone you trust know so they can pray for you.

PRAY:  Jesus I need your help right now with ______________.  I’m tired of the control it has had in my life.  I submit and humble myself before you that I can’t take it anymore but I know You can.   I speak against __________ that has been tormenting me.  In Jesus name it is gone from my life.  God by your power I will run from any temptation that is trying to pull me down and I will resist my own fleshly desires that are not honoring to You.   Grant me the faith to know, love, obey and pursue You, Jesus as my greatest treasure!   

What is Controlling Your Life?

READ: Mark 1: 21-28

Can you imagine what would you have been thinking and feeling if you saw this scene just go down? When you think about it, this encounter could have been taken directly out of the latest paranormal movie today.   Honestly if I was there when this happened, I would be out the door in five seconds.

So this got me thinking…  Why is this recorded in the bible?  Could this or does this really happen today?  How does knowing this happened help me with anything in my life today?

Jesus Has Authority

God the Father wanted everyone to know that Jesus is ultimately in control. He spoke boldly with authority (v.22) and told a spirit “be quiet…come out of him!”  Now that is bold.  The Bible is huge on talking about Jesus’ boldness and authority.  Check this out..
The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. – Colossians 1: 15-17

We Have Authority 

Jesus offers us His authority as believers. Luke tells about it:
“When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases,” Luke 9:1
So if you and I have been given that same kind of authority and power through our faith in Jesus, then you maybe wondering, “Then why don’t I sense that or see that in my own life?”.  What could be the disconnect?

Could it be that something is controlling your life and your not even aware of it?

It may not be something demonic, but could it be something you have allowed to creep in slowly that now has control over you?  Ask yourself:

  • Did I used to have a desire for the God that has slowly declined?
  • What do I now think about most of the time?  Is it all about me and what I want most of the time?
  • Is there something “impure” or that doesn’t honor God or others that you know you shouldn’t be doing, but you keep doing it anyway?
Is there something that has authority in your life above God?  Be honest about it then.  That’s the first step.

I will outline in the next devotion some ways God gives us to break free from those things in our life.  Until then, tell God about it and if your willing to post what has been controlling you, share it below or at least send me a message and I would love to encourage you as you begin to break free from it.

PRAY:  Jesus thank you that you have power and authority over everything that may come against us in life.  May I not continue to hid or be bound up inside with what is really going on in my life.  Help me to be bold enough to share what’s going on in my life with You God and with others I trust who will help me break free and fight.

“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit,
but test the spirits to see whether they are from God…
God who is in you is greater
than the [evil] one who is in the world.”

~ 1 John 4:1-4